Turtle Prototype
Project Type University Project / Gameplay Mechanic Prototyping
Software Used Unity
Language Used C#
This prototype was created for a University module called Gameplay Prototyping, in which we were asked to prototype a mechanic.
The concept I developed was inspired by 3D-platformers like Mario. Players would take control of a turtle and have the ability to dash and hide in their shell. Simply put, players would take control of a Koopa from Super Mario Bros.
The player should be able to hide in their shell at the press of a button. When in their shell players won’t be able to move. But the shell can slide around similar to a hockey puck. This means that players can hide in their shell while moving to allow them to slide around. Furthermore, if the player uses the dash ability and then hides in their shell they will slide even faster.
This action of dashing and hiding in their shell will allow the players to knock over enemies, sliding under gaps and launching off of ramps.
Gameplay & Breakdown
If you would like to find out more about the project and my development process, please follow the link below: